As 2022 approaches, this year I’m not making resolutions. Did you know, according to psychologists, that resolutions fail 92 percent of the time? Three reasons for this, they say, are that resolutions aren’t specific enough, are worded too negatively or really aren’t relevant to your life.

Me (and You?) in 2022: Re-Think, Re-Frame, and Renew
So, this year, rather than resolutions, I’m asking myself hard questions about how and why I’m living the way I do, and what would make me happier—and more productive—in 2022. Let’s say I’m re-thinking, re-framing, and renewing my life.
One hard truth is that I’m too busy doing non-productive things. First, I spend too much time on emails and Facebook—at the expense of getting things done and enriching my life.
I’ve been reviewing my newsletter subscriptions—many are unread and simply add to the stress of an over-full inbox. Sound familiar? Same, too, for those “thought leader” blogs. As a result, I’m cutting way back on the number of newsletters and blogs I receive. I’m only sticking with those I love, read regularly and that improve my life. The rest—I’m unsubscribing. My goal: an inbox that’s welcoming rather than intimidating. Less deleting and more enjoying.
Likewise, I’m doing the same for you, my readers. I want to lighten your load, too. Rather than a longer monthly newsletter, I’m limiting my general newsletter to my blog, business essentials and critical updates.
Instead, I’m publishing a quarterly, digital magazine in 2022. This will be filled with interesting interviews, germane topics, more tips and tricks and other surprises. No deadline-related materials. Instead, stories, ideas, and tips I think you’ll enjoy reading at your leisure—when you have time to be inspired.
Facebook, Tamed
This is a bit more challenging because I enjoy connecting with my friends and associates, but I’m going to cull my “friend” list to those who really are friends or associates. I am admitting that it’s difficult to keep up with Facebook and yet highly stressful when I don’t. I’ll invoke my “less is more” attitude with Facebook. I’ll reserve that saved time for face-to-face gatherings. They are so much more rewarding.
Workshops, TIMEaway™, and Fun
Speaking of gatherings, I’m planning more of them in 2022. Watch for a schedule filled with more time for fun, skills development, creating and catching up. You’ll see some new titles to better reflect what the sessions do, so you’ll know which are best for you.
As I mentioned, this all has called for much introspection: What rewards and renews me most? For one, more time with Pat, my husband. I’m scheduling quarterly getaways for us. In 2022 I’m committed to living life with honesty, integrity, and a grateful heart.
How will I know if this works? Will it help me? Some ideas certainly will, others may be a risk. But in 2022, here’s my new mantra:
You ‘ll never know until you try.
If you always do what you’ve always done; you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.
The only thing we have to fear is fear, itself.
What works, I’ll keep. What doesn’t work I’ll either discard or tweak. What I know for sure is that when I’m old and sitting in my rocking chair, I don’t want to look back and ask, “Why?” “Why didn’t I try that?”
In 2022 I’m taking risks. I’m trying new things and discarding those of little value. I’m going to do more and wonder less. Maybe you will want the same? Either way, may 2022 be your best year ever, too.